Shipping & Delivery

Shipping and Delivery

We are proud to offer convenient international shipping and delivery services to our customers Worldwide.  Shipping fees and delivery time may vary based on your shipping zone and order volume. Any pre-order items that may be unavailable due to high demand will be processed and sent as soon as stock becomes available.


  • Delivery times for non-promotional items have an estimated 2-4 weekdelivery period for any item that is fully available in stock.
    • These items will include a tracking numberthat will be emailed to you once your item has shipped (Please note: Not all countries provide a tracking number).
  • Delivery times for promotional items have an estimated 4-8 weekdelivery period for any item that is fully available in stock.
    • These items do not include a tracking number, but please rest assured; if you don't receive your order within the estimated timeframe, just let us know and we'll take care of you!


  • Delivery times for non-promotional items have an estimated 2-5 weekdelivery period for any item that is fully available in stock. The estimated delivery period includes sensitivity to custom clearance and delays. 
    • These items will include a tracking number that will be emailed to you once your item has shipped. (Please note: Not all countries provide a tracking number).
  • Delivery times for promotional items have an estimated 4-8 weekdelivery period for any item that is fully available in stock.
    • These items do not include a tracking number, but please rest assured; if you don't receive your order within the estimated timeframe, just let us know and we'll take care of you!

-- Please note: All prices are in USD. Import duties, taxes and brokerage fees are not included in the product price or shipping and handling cost.  These additional fees will be collected upon delivery from carriers for certain packages and are the recipient's responsibility.  Please check with your country's customs office to determine what these additional costs will be.